Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Running Around In The Dark at 8:24 p.m........

Pets! What the heck am I doing, running around in the dark, at 8:24 p.m. trying to coax the doggies into the house? The Portuguese Waterdog from next door, Bo, came to visit. That set off a cacophony of barks and growls and Diesel and Miss Piggy raced up and down the driveway and refused to come inside. Now, I just spent more than $750 on Miss Piggy...the least she could do is behave herself, don't you think? LOL! Plus, Diesel really belongs to the next door neighbors (long story) and Miss Piggy belongs to my son, Adam (but who do you think paid the $750 vet bill? And who do you think pays the grooming bills?). I have more important things to do, like finish my Owl Quilt Blocks that need to be mailed out on Saturday. OK...I guess I need a bit of cheese with my whine.....

1 comment:

Jody said...

What kind would you like? I think you deserve the good stuff--cheese and wine!